I am a front-end developer with a passion for continuous growth. After a full chapter as a visual designer, I'm excited to bring critical-thinking, communication skills and an ability to adapt to create responsive and accessible experiences online.


Recent Work

Page Turners

Google Books API, React, Firebase, HTML, SCSS

The goal of this project was to build upon core React concepts using routing and third-party data in an agency-style environment, working in a group of developers, collaborating on GitHub and delivering a fully functional product in just under one week. Together with my team we built an app using the Google Books API that allows users to search books by title or author and save books to a reading list where they can track their progress of how many books they've read versus those still to read. For this project I also created the logo and custom genre icons that when clicked, return books based on a genre keyword.

Built in partnership with: Pauline Sulit, Antoni Ibrahim, Mark Duffy

Live link Git repo

Character Comic Collector

Marvel Comics API, React, HTML, CSS

The purpose of this project was to develop an understanding of core React concepts including state, props and components. Using the Marvel Comics API I designed and built an app that allows users to search by their favourite comic character and browse their latest adventures. The app makes calls to both the characters and the comics endpoint of the API to return and map over the data, displaying it to the user with a fun flip animation on hover.

Live link Git repo

Choose Your Pokémon App

Pokémon API, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

The goal of this project was to gain a fundamental understanding of third-party REST APIs, JavaScript, DOM manipulation, UI design and pair programming collaboration using GitHub. Working together with my partner we designed and built an app that allows users to select the Pokémon of their choice from a set of options and display their choice in a container styled to look like an original GameBoy screen. The app is dynamic and responds to the users interaction, adding and removing custom classes for each Pokémon.

Built in partnership with: Felicia Nemet

Live link Git repo


Nice to meet you!

My name is Karen and I'm a front-end developer with a background in art & design. I recently graduated from Juno College's Web Dev Bootcamp.

Development allows me to combine my love of problem-solving and making things, and with my past experience in design I'm able to approach projects with an open-mind and an eye for details. Here's a short article about why I decided to make the move into development.

In my free time I love playing frisbee with my dog Wrigley, Minecraft-ing, regular-crafting, reading and eating pizza.

Let's connect!


Tech Stack

  • HTML5 icon


  • CSS3 icon


  • Sass icon


  • JavaScript icon


  • jQuery icon


  • React icon


  • GitHub icon


  • VS Code icon

    VS Code

  • Firebase Icon


  • WordPress icon


Design Stack

  • Adobe Illustrator icon


  • Adobe Photoshop Icon


  • Adobe XD icon

    Adobe XD

  • Adobe Premier Pro icon

    Premier Pro

  • Adobe AfterEffects icon



Get in touch!

Thanks for scrolling this far!

You can get in touch with me here through the contact form, or catch up with me on LinkedIn.

Have a great day!